30 June 2010

Updating settings...

I think I've made it possible for anyone to leave comments. The settings I had in effect before prevented comments without being a Blogger member. The downside is that 'anonymous' readers can also leave comments, but because I'm not widely publicizing the blog's link, strangers won't be finding it in the first place.

I also discovered more profile information was posted than I remember posting. No doubt the sputterings of a middle age brain.

Up and running...

Hurray! I'm getting my blog up and running (named and online) before the next meeting of our People's Church Summer Activity Writing Group—a stated goal. Am sincerely hoping populating the blog will be less mind-boggling than the rudiments of pulling it together.

I suspect many of my blogging friends will be happy I have my own outlet for commentary and be less likely to fill the capacity of their comment boxes.This girl definitely needs her own easel and crayon.

My expectation is that I'll talk about my projects, brainstorms, memories, observations, and ideas. As appropriate, I'll add images and links.

Here's to good beginnings…