02 July 2011

BOM for June...

June's Block of the Month was only two distinct patterns—one very simple (three pieces in 4" x 4" square), the other, quite complex (16" x 16" square made of 58 pieces). Guess that's how it averages out to be the month's allotment. I worked in more of the light-to-medium tone background fabrics this time. The 4" x 4" block in the bottom right corner is part of a diagonal group of blocks that divide light background from dark background. This is where it starts getting interesting!

Speaking of 'interesting,' (but not necessarily amusing) Tom was looking at my overall completed panels in comparison to a photo I took of the finished quilt that hangs at  Quiltworks. "Uh, that block looks wrong." UGH! In my haste, I sewed in ALL FOUR flying geese modules into the block BACKWARDS (in March!)! I was going to just let it go and be content with being different until I thought of the title of the quilt being STARS Over Bali Skies.   S-T-A-R-S !   Dang!!! I've corrected here in Photoshop and know it'll take more time in real life. Sigh.

Dunno if I should have Mr. Quality Control look at it again with this much done. This isn't the first goof-up he's found. In my quilt for Miss Cairo, I sewed a whole strip in backwards and out of order. I need to look at more of my work from a distance. I am so 'up close and personal' with my work that these oddball mistakes escape my notice…until. Alas!

Rumor has it that the July BOM won't be ready for several days into the month. I'll do my absolute best to resist calling/pestering Quiltworks and let the call me. Wish me luck.

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